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Maria Carolina and Maria Chiara

de Bourbon des Deux Siciles

Maria Carolina
Maria Chiara

de Bourbon des Deux Siciles

Stemma della Real Casa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie
Stemma della Real Casa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie

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Real Casa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie ha governato sui due regni di Napoli e di Sicilia dal 1734 al 1816, poi sulle Due Sicilie, i due regni unificati, fino al 1860. Una delle più antiche e importanti dinastie europee poté regnare sul più esteso e popoloso stato preunitario d’Italia nel delicato periodo di passaggio dall’età moderna a quella contemporanea, avviando i primi tentativi di industrializzazione e riportando un sovrano a Napoli dopo alcuni secoli di dominio straniero.

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Royal House of Bourbon
Two Siciles

Dynastic Orders

Throughout history Royal families have governed unique Dynanastic Orders that are led by the Head of Household and passed down to thier heirs. The Orders maintain ancient tradttions that recognize merit among men and women of distinction and play an important role in society.

The Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies has maintained the authority over five of these Dynastic Orders, three of which are still conferred today: the Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius, the Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit, the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, the Royal Military Order of Saint George of the Reunion, and the Royal Order of Francis I.

The Dynastic orders have evolved to meet contemporary needs. In addition to their ceromonial role and where once they were an assembly knights inspired by catholic military orders and medieval concepts of chivalry, today they unite to contribute to social and humanitarian assistance, in particular in defense of the most vulnerable. These charitable activities are carried out both centrally and independently by various local delegations from all over the world.

Individual members of the Order are invested due to their exemplary contribution to various fields such as philanthropy, inter-religous understanding and cultural preservation. Collectively, the Orders of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies engage in a wide range of charitable activities. These activities include religious support, community service, international cooperation, educational initiatives, healthcare, and advocacy for human rights, supporting hospitals, schools, and social welfare institutions, They also foster international goodwill, provide educational scholarships, fund medical research, and advocate for social justice and ethical standards. With tousands of knights and dames, the Dynastic orders maintain their relevance and impact in modern times.

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